Just recharge your batteries
No life without light. The red and near-infrared light application energises your cells. With SAMINA CHARGE you can recharge your batteries in just 20 minutes.
Durch die Kombination von Infrarot- und Rotlicht unterstützt Samina Charge die innere Heilung und den Stoffwechsel. Zusätzlich sorgt AIRNERGY dafür, dass Sauerstoffpartikel besser vom Körper aufgenommen werden können.
What is red light therapy?
In red light therapy, certain wavelengths of light are isolated and amplified, known as red light and near infrared (NIR). Red light is visible and works mainly on the surface of the skin and up to 3 mm under the skin. Near infrared light is invisible to the human eye. This invisible form of light penetrates deeper into the tissue and can help to relieve pain, improve circulation and promote muscle regeneration.
How does red light therapy work?
The mitochondria, the biological power stations of our cells, can be recharged by red and near-infrared light - either by the natural light of the morning or evening sun or by special devices such as our high-performance red light panel. The mitochondria produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), our body's standardised ‘energy currency’. This energy plays a crucial role in all bodily processes. A low ATP level can lead to tiredness and fatigue, whereas a high ATP level can lead to feelings of happiness and performance. With the help of red light therapy, it is possible to increase ATP production and support the body at a cellular level.
What are the benefits of red light therapy?
The potential benefits of red light therapy include relieving muscle pain and joint stiffness, promoting relaxation, improving circulation, speeding up recovery after injury or intense exercise and stimulating the immune system. Other possible benefits include improving the appearance of the skin by increasing collagen production, treating scar tissue and stimulating natural hair growth.
Is red light therapy safe?
Red light therapy is generally considered safe when used correctly. However, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions. People with certain health problems such as heart disease, pregnancy or sensitive skin should consult their doctor before using red light therapy.
First Session
1 Session
35 €
35 €
35 €
20 €
20 €
20 €
10 Sessions
220 €
22 € / Session220 €
22 € / Session220 €
22 € / Session150 €
15 € / Session150 €
15 € / Session150 €
15 € / Session20 Sessions
360 €
18 € / Session360 €
18 € / Session360 €
18 € / Session280 €
14 € / Session280 €
14 € / Session280 €
14 € / Session30 Sessions
450 €
15 € / Session450 €
15 € / Session450 €
15 € / Session390 €
13 € / Session390 €
13 € / SessionRequest
60 Sessions
780 €
13 € / Session780 €
13 € / Session780 €
13 € / Session720 €
12 € / Session720 €
12 € / SessionRequest
780 €
13 € / SessionPackages
1 Session each
50 €
25 € / Session10 Sessions each
340 €
17 € / Session300 €
10x FLOW20 Sessions each
600 €
15 € / Session500 €
20x FLOW30 Sessions each
780 €
13 € / SessionRequest
60 Sessions each
1320 €
11 € / SessionRequest